In with the Old... Out with the New

Antique Decor

The Allure of the Casket Box

Louis Philippe Mirror

Mirrors. One of my favorite decorating accessories.  As shown in this beautiful room by the ever talented North Shore Nest is a gilt Louis Philippe mirror.  Perfectly placed and in its…

Revere Bowls

I was never a History buff.  I’m pretty sure my grades were less than stellar in anything history related.  But I always perked up a little when I started looking…

Lucky Find

Do you ever learn a new word, new phrase, read an old book or watch an old movie and then it seems like the very next day whatever old new…

Must have Majolica

Majolica is trending and I need to get a piece of it!  These bright and beautiful ceramics from the late 1800's come in all kinds of colors and designs.  From the…

Timeless Trend: Imari Ware

I’ve noticed in the past that one of my favorite types of Japanese Porcelain, Imari Ware, has been patiently staged in the background of many home décor images.   However, in…